Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Welcome to Remote Learning: The Importance of Creating Routine

Hi Parents and Students,

Who would have thought we would be finding ourselves in the midst of a remote learning experience. With remote learning comes many new challenges and unknowns. Your guidance team will work on being with you every step of the way. We will be posting to this blog daily with helpful hints and strategies to best support you as we all navigate these uncharted seas together...

One of the first steps in remote learning is developing routine. Routine helps to maintain some normalcy in this not so normal situation. The teachers at Lurgio Middle school will be creating a schedule that mimics your child's schedule while they are at school. Maintaining this routine at home will be beneficial in setting up your child's success during this remote learning experience. Look for your child's schedule from his/her pod teachers. These schedules may be posted to google classroom or emailed to you directly. When creating a schedule, it is important to consider a child's normal school day routine. They should be waking up at normal time, eating breakfast, getting ready for the day, and then setting up a space to begin their school day. When creating a schedule, important things to consider would be downtime, screen breaks, movement breaks, lunch, and activities.