Four Life Skills Parents can Teach Their Children During the Pandemic
- How to live with uncertainty
- Their routines have changed
- No one can give them answers about when this will end
- Tell them you don’t know when it will change
- Explain that doctors are trying to find medicines that will help
- How to be resilient
- Allow for discomfort (stress and fear are normal)
- Model coping strategies (walking, talking to friends, etc..)
- Reinforce problem-solving skills
- Give them time to think about solutions and strategies that might help them.
- That kids are so much more than school and extracurriculars
- Help kids recognize that there is more to them
- Help them connect them to what they truly enjoy
- Talk to them about what they would like to be doing more of
- How important their role is in your family.
- A family is a team
- Have children help with chores. Give me responsibilities they otherwise may not have had.
- Reinforce the importance they have to the family.